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"Adds an additional hit point but lightly weakens your attack power."

A Heart is a charm available from Porkrind's Emporium.


The Heart charm can be a good replacement for the Smoke Bomb charm on aerial bosses such as Wally Warbles and Cala Maria. The 5% damage reduction is negligible considering the usefulness of the extra hitpoint. Because of that, it makes the fights a little longer, but is good for amateur players. It may be good to try doing this charm on Expert to gain skill at dodging the obstacles.


The older version of the Heart along with other early-designed items in Porkrind's Emporium.
  • This charm was once known as the "Heart Buddy" and originally designed as a heart-shaped character as seen from a Gamescom video from 2015.
HeartCoffeeSmoke BombP. SugarTwin HeartWhetstoneAstral CookieBroken RelicHeart Ring

es:Heart zh:生命心