Talk:Beppi The Clown/@comment-34004818-20171223113230

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Welcome, my good sir (or ma’am) to the exquisite gallery of weird Beppi faces.

Starting off we have a relatively well-known piece of art, this taken from Beppi’s introduction; most people refer to it as ‘Stretchy Pepsi’, or ‘IMAO’, which I assume means ‘I Mailed An Order (to commend this work, that is)’

Stretchy Pepsi

Our next artwork is derived from the pure insanity and rage that comes with this fight, it being conned the name ‘The Face of Madness’.

The Face of Madness

Our final piece of work is dedicated to the rare feeling of pure ecstasy that is only felt when you finally manage to turn Beppi into Swiss cheese. Dubbed the names ‘Fist Pump’, ‘HELL YEAH’, and ‘AHHHAHAYHAYYESSSS’, this work truly represents the joy that comes with a knockout screen.


I hope you enjoyed your visit to the weird gallery of Beppi faces, please do come again or share some weird faces of your own if you can. Remember, a good victory is always worth the rage needed to get there.