Talk:Cala Maria/@comment-27524978-20180103205153

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In order to lighten up this comment section a bit, I'm going to post my headcanons for Cala Maria. Anyone can reply theirs if they'd like. 

- Cala Maria bargained her soul in exchange for being huge to catch the attention of sailors and make friends with more sea creatures. 

- Cala finds most of the residents of Inkwell Isle to be adorable in her own ways. However, there are a selected few that she legitimately has a crush on. King Dice is one of them. 

- Cala considered going back to the casino to fulfill her end of deal and get the chance to hang out with King Dice some more, but her sea creature friends talked her out of it. 

- Cala has met with Captain Brineybeard a few times, but she sees him as mostly an acquaintance. 

- Her cannon turtle is named Toby.