Talk:Hilda Berg/@comment-679083-20180110060352

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Here's what we got so far: 

Hida Berg

Color- Red

Element- Wind

Constellations- Taurus, Gemini, and Sagitarius

Final Form- The Moon (Crescent phase)

If there is to be a sequel to Cuphead, here are my ideas for creating Hilda's sisters:

Helen Berg

Color- Yellow

Element- Fire

Constellations- Aires, Libra, and Virgo

Final Form- The Sun

Helga Berg with her pet pig Ham Berg

Color- Green

Element- Earth

Constellations- Cancer, Scorpio, and Leo

Final Form- Gaia (Earth Goddess)

Heidi Berg

Color- Blue

Element- Water

Constellations- Aquarius, Pieces, and Capricorn

Final Form- The Kraken