Talk:The Devil/@comment-33805081-20180212231601/@comment-33716670-20180222014717

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  • ahem* 

"The Devil (from Greekδιάβολος diábolos "slanderer, accuser")[1] designate the personification of evil in various cultures.[2] In Abrahamic religions he is often identified with Satan. In Christianity he is the primary opponent of God.[3]

Christianity identifies the Devil ("Satan") with the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and describes him as a "fallen angel" who terrorizes the world through evil,[3] is the antithesis of Truth,[4] and shall be condemned, together with the fallen angels who follow him, to eternal fire at the Last Judgement.[3]

Shaitan or Iblis is the Devil in Islam. While Iblis refers to the particular personified Devil, Shaitan can apply to any creature, that cause mischief and oppose God.[3]

Some non-Abrahamic religions contain figures similar to the Devil, such as the Buddhist demon Mara[3] and the Zoroastrian spirit Angra Mainyu."

Bendy, however, is an evil, demonic cardboard cutout/cartoon character who literally can't affect you but make you question your sanity. So I agree with you.