Talk:Werner Werman/@comment-36377276-20180903023112/@comment-36377276-20190101031423

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Oh, and YOU'RE NOT THE REAL KAHL. I don't hate roleplayers at all, but only when they don't act mean to others. If you don't like gay ships, then fine, have your own opinion. Just don't tell me to $#%$ off just because we don't see eye to eye. Please don't think I'm trying to insult you, because I'm not. I don't hate roleplayers, and I have nothing personal against you. It's just that swearing off at some random 14-year old on the internet over ships isn't cool. And I don't even mind most swearing. Please, let's just all be respectful towards each other, and we'll all get along. Don't report me over simply stating an opinion. I'm not bullying you, just asking you to be more respectful.