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Hey! I just wanted to ask a quick couple of questions. First, is it intentional that the Discord widget on the right doesn't actually have a link to join the server? If not, then you should go to the server's Settings -> Widget and then enable a Server Widget, and also set an Instant Invite channel. I think this should create a functional button to join.

I also wanted to let you know that there are a few ways that the wiki's local navigation bar could be improved. You can actually have up to four custom Level 1 links, while you currently only have three ("Cuphead," "Media," and "Guidelines"), and it's best to try to fill them pretty thoroughly with content on Levels 2 and 3. If you want to keep a meta tab (completely fine), then I would recommend naming it "Community," with "Guidelines" being L2, and "Rules" and "Standards" being L3.

There are some more details about local nav optimization in Mira Laime's recent blog on Community Central, if you're interested. Would this be something you would want to look into improving? If you're a bit busy, then I would be happy to work on the nav for you!<ac_metadata title="Discord"> </ac_metadata>