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Please make a new poll called What would you do if you could upgrade Cuphead?

Here are some suggestions for the list, feel free to add yours:

Airplanes can have the weapons that the non-airplane boss battles have.

Lobbers last longer on the ground.

Boomerangs can go through the floor so that you can hit bosses that you can only point toward the ground.

Spreads won't have a limit of their farness.(farness equals how far their distances)

The P. Sugar charm can make all parries automatic.

A new Mausoleum can be in Inkwell Hell.

The non-charm heart will have 5 lives.

If you lose on a mini-boss in the King Dice level, you stay at that mini boss's square, full lived.

I want all of them to be added.

I don't want any of these to be added.<ac_metadata title="Please make a new poll"> </ac_metadata>