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Should probably say my piece on this,

As Gsguedes mentioned, he's consulted myself and two other administrators in regards to whether 8Bit should keep his rights or not. While I was on the fence on whether he should be demoted, I saw it fit to have a temp demotion, as his demeanor towards newer users was getting increasingly aggressive (indef blocking someone because they talked back to you is more disproportionate that having your rights revoked, more so while claiming "I decide what to do with tbe user that insulted me").

This would hopefully let him cool down and consult with us further in order to have his rights restored. However, he's been radio silent since, refusing to respond to any engagement about his position. As such, his rights will remain the same.

Gsguedes holds no grudge towards 8Bit - this move was made with the wiki in mind, as biting the newcomers will cause a wiki to stagnate. Claiming that he'd go so far as to stalk him is a logical extreme that both makes no sense and holds no ground. Likewise, calling on the admins to warn someone for simply asking you a question holds no ground either - jusr answer them and they'll leave you alone.

For Discord, anything related to this wiki is primarily English-based - there is no fear nor skepticism in joining to discuss matters.

The mention of suicide wasn't with guilt tripping in mind - it was to show how ridiculous ir'd be to take such an extreme over something trivial as holding a position in this wikia.

As throwaway said (albeit rather direct), you can't berate the newest admin and not expect them to join the thread in order to explain what's going on.

Ultimately, 8Bit can handle and resolve this issue just by talking to us. We won't bite and we'll see the process through with a fair hand.