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Your profile officially states that you're inactive... The8-BitFlower himself... is inactive.

I never expected this to happen. I honestly have no idea what the hell is happening. According to the new admin, Gsguedes, you abused your rights? I honestly have no idea what to think. But I can't bare to see you like this. You were my first ever friend on this wiki, and I feel like we've come a long way on this journey from me joining to me becoming a staff member. It feels horrible to know that you seem to have left the wiki... I hope you're alright.

Don't leave us, dude. You've done so much for us. You've made helpful edits, protected us from vandals, and have been such a good friend to everyone! Even if you've made a few unsmart decisions here and there, you'll always live on in the heart of this wiki and of all it's users. You're one of the reasons this wiki has come so far. You need to understand that. Everyone loves you and what you've done for this wiki. No matter what the new admin says, just know that you are still a true gift to the wiki. And if you end up staying inactive forever, just know that we will ALWAYS remember you. If you've read this far, thank you so much for your time. Never, ever will we forget you, Floweey P. Fitzgerald. :)

I don't think we could...<ac_metadata title="I never thought I'd see the day..."> </ac_metadata>