User:A Little Fan 0f Everything

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"Zat vas easy as eins, zwei, drei!"

Fun Facts About Me

  1. I am mildly autistic, and I tend to overact to minor insults. I'm also quick to apologize, though.
  2. I am the most shippy shipper to ever ship; I have a TON of ships.
  3. I tend to get anxious on live chats.
  4. I tend to get 'obsessed' with certain characters/fandoms/ships, and during those periods I will mention them non-stop.
  5. I like to wake up early and stay up late.
  6. ....I was kicked out of Drama......
  7. I am studying (and failing) Spanish.
  8. My favorite movies are Sherlock Gnomes (don't judge me), A Monster in Paris, and The Princess and The Frog.
  9. My favorite songs are 'Turn the Final Page' by Dagames and 'Build our Machine' Dagames.
  10. I really enjoy a good roleplay.

My favorite pages

  • Add links to your favorite pages on the wiki here!
  • Favorite page #2
  • Favorite page #3

My Other Projects on Other Wikis:

I'm also working on plans for a Cuphead family resort! Who likes that idea?