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idea adapted from Cheetah-shooter.

This is just generally my idea dump for my own bosses, or for an "expanded" version of bosses. Or just based off of The Cuphead Show.

  • Red indicates that this is a Walloping variation of a boss.
  • Blue indicates that this is a boss I made. It is not always necessarily based on the 1930's and is for more of my fangame.
    • Green indicates that it's currently not going to be for my fangame.
  • Yellow indicates that this is definitely not for my fangame.
  • Anything in italics is an Air Battle. Anything in underline is a Sea Battle.

Goopy Le Grande

  • Phase 1
    • Goopy Le Grande, aside from having the ability to jump incredibly high up, has the ability to backflip. Doing such will cause him to immediately counterattack with a punching attack. Speaking of which...
    • He now fires three arcing projectiles from his eyes when he does that. Aside from that, nothing's too different....
    • ...except he's now invincible during his bouncing phases. To compensate, he doesn't have TOO much health.
  • Phase 2
    • Goopy's question marks are now decorative. Sorry.
    • Each time Goopy jumps, he will create a shockwave that must be jumped over. (credit to 20105118 for this idea!)

Cagney Carnation

  • Phase 1
    • Cagney Carnation now randomizes his attacks, rather than follow an attack pattern. Good luck.
    • His punching attack now can chain up to five times. He gives little to no margin of error during this phase and leaves his head exposed for a shorter time. You basically want to move when it looks like he's about to move.
    • His Magic Hands attack is now done faster than usual. The following things he can summon:
      • A burning Sycamore Seed that leaves a fire trail behind and will come back flying in a random area. It's fast, and its streak of fire will hurt you.
      • Five acorns. These acorns accelerate far more faster, and if they hit the ground, they will grow into a Toothy Babies. More on that below.
      • A mushroom that fires a homing spore every time it bounces off something, with the spore being weak. If it lands on one of the platforms, that platform will close its mouth when it gets off of it, hurting you if you are in its bite radius and rendering it unable to be used for seven seconds. The platform will not open up if you get to the second phase. Good luck.
    • He can morph his face into a Gatling gun. Changes:
      • The seeds have a much faster descent. Pink seeds are instead red, meaning you can't parry them.
      • Toothy Floaters are much faster than before while being able to home in on you better. They are also far more abundant.
      • Toothy Babies now chase you by hopping left and right. They will jump to try and bite you if they get a chance to.
      • Floaty Terrors move faster and have more health than usual, spitting parriable projectiles at a much faster rate than usual. There is a slim chance (about 10%) that the projectile won't be parriable.
  • Phase 2
    • Though the vines are not faster than before, they will come in three's. One of them will delay their attack though, and only retract once the other vines do so. To tell which one is delayed, you have
    • Cagney will still spit pollen, but they are slightly slower than Expert. Parriable pollen will blur the screen if parried.
    • NEW ATTACK: Cagney Carnation will fold the petals into his head before turning his head into a lightbulb. This will obscure the screen a lot and serves as a distraction. Oh, and it serves as a 40 HP barrier.
    • NEW ATTACK: Cagney Carnation turns his nose into a cannon, before firing out many Aggravating Acorns and Deadly Daisies into the air. The Aggravating Acorns will sway back and forth like the seeds, and fall quickly once at half HP. The Deadly Daisies do not sway back and forth, though they do essentially pressure you if you are under them and they're close to the platform they're meant to land on (or not).
  • Phase 3: Cagney Carnation's vines will wilt away, making it safe to go on land again. However, several Deadly Daisies rush to the rescue, watering him and reviving him. Eventually, his head will detach from his stem, and become something like a planetoid, with his petals representing a ring. This boss is going to be similar to the Dr. Wily bosses. Oh, also, you have to follow him upwards to yet another three-platform arena.
    • Cagney Carnation's only damageable part is a bulging red part underneath him.

Earl E the Wrecker

  • Information: A burly and intimidating worker, Earl E is the head of a construction crew. He operates a large scooping machine which he also uses to destroy stuff. And don't think that's the only thing he's got... if he needs to, he's got his rather muscular body and slim gait to fight you off.

Moonshine Mob

  • QUICK NOTE: Was based on my idea of making the bosses of Cuphead in my fangame transform, completely.
  • Phase 1: None of them have official names so I'm going to give them names, the spider's going to be named Pa Spider.
    • Pa Spider will summon far more flies than usual with his telephones. He can even call more than usual.
    • The bombs Pa Spider has have a far bigger explosive radius than usual, and go off at a farther distance.
  • Phase 2: The lady bug has no name, sorry. Uh... Belle of the Booze? Nah... Boozy Bonnie.
  • Phase 3 & 3.5: The anteater has a significantly larger moveset than before. We're going to call him Lloyd the Sucker. The snail is Tommy Slugger.
    • He will attack much faster than before and fake out even more, and pull in far more bugs to spit out in waves. These bug clumps are far more durable than before.
    • He will sometimes turn his trunk into a telescope, before firing out moonshine barrels from it. Breaking them will cause them to explode into four moonshine projectiles that if hit, will seriously distort the screen in a variety of ways.
    • The fake knockout does not occur and the snail barks even louder sound waves.
  • Phase 4: You thought you got the knockout, until eyes glow in the dark. Suddenly, Tommy Slugger is seen in a big, FAR MORE monstrous form, as he breaks the platform underneath you. You're suddenly pitted into a completely flat arena.

The Howling Aces

  • Again, like the Moonshine Mob, they don't have names. We're just going to give them names AGAIN.
    • Bulldog: Iron Barkley
    • Saluki: idk lel you'll have to wait
  • Phase 1
    • Iron Barkley fires out a ton of more yarn balls that must either be ducked under, or to be constantly parried. Once he's done, he'll throw the cat onto the plane, which will forcibly move it as Hughes moves sideways. This attack can also come from the left.
    • Iron Barkley's bones will fly straight forward and recurve five times, requiring you to jump a lot. None of the bones are parriable, so ha good luck.
    • The Yankee Yippers will throw out pineapple grenades instead. You know the drill, avoid shooting them.
    • The fire hydrants move much more faster but curve more. Which is a bad thing because, well, it's leaking from the bottom, in which it can obscure you from.
  • Phase 2: The Yankee Yippers abandon the plane and Iron Barkley falls/flies to his doom. You get it.
    • The Yankee Yippers actually get way more closer than you, meaning you can get damaged by physical contact with them.
    • Aside from that, not much changes to their battle except they bark a lot more often and that when they die, ten projectiles will fly out in a last ditch attempt at damaging you.
  • Phase 3: The Yankee Yippers are going to be caught by the chinook no matter what now.
    • The chinook will not start the fight via extending its paws, but rather doing so while it flies towards you, as it "roars" and keeps rotating. Once it closes its mouth, all goes to hell as your screen is now pretty dizzy, rocking back and forth.
    • The chinook will open its mouth and will cause the screen to rotate, per usual. The difference is that the dog bowl attack now spits whatever it can think of into the air. That means pretty much any projectile you've probably seen before in previous fights. Cagney's peccary seeds, Wally's heart, you name it.
  • Phase 4: The chinook explodes and everyone, including a bunch of other Yankee Yippers and generic large dog soldiers, go flying away. However, Canteen Hughes is suddenly shot down by a fire hydrants, as you're forced to get onto your airplane to fight... The Howling Aces as ROCKET SHIPS. Or kamikaze missiles, however you want to interpret that.

Sheriff Winchester

  • Phase 1: Quick note that the "wanted" poster is now of the Cup Bros and Ms. Chalice.
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3: This is the most wack phase in a boss fight, it's literally you against a cow that's still living even after being pressure cooked.
  • Phase 4
  • Phase 5: The Prairie Dogs... get eaten by a hyena aptly named Gunshot Hyena, who also ate the dead sausages because he came from above. He fantasizes eating you as a second dish before he tries to tackle you. Now you're supposed to somehow attack from behind.

Mortimer Freeze

  • Phase 1
  • Phase 2
  • Phase 3
  • Phase 4: Mortimer subsequently melts into his hat, which becomes a cauldron.

Kamek in Kamek Kerfuffle!

  • Information: Despite the name, this plays out more like Kamek's Rocket Rampage except Kamek is more wild in his attacks.
  • Phase 1: Kamek will fly in while racing his wand before growing in size.
    • Kamek's main attack for this phase is summoning Bullet Bills in various formations, like he does in Rocket Rampage. The difference is that he constantly does these and these formations are far more tighter than before, and they can be shot down. Sometimes he'll summon Bull's-Eye Bills that home on you.
  • Phase 2: Kamek will become visibly angry in this phase, starting with him waving his wand.
  • Phase 3: Kamek will lose his broom, as he is startled. In a desperate attempt, he waves his wand and instead of generic size growth, it's... him transforming! But into what? Why... an egg that turns out to not be one, but rather a Piranha Plant!

Rico & Tanjun

Rico & Tanjun are the first bosses of the game, fought in Emparus High. Rico is the trainer, Tanjun is Rico's pal from outer space. Tanjun is supposed to be based off of Tamagotchi and those types of "cute dude who tries to be cool with those swag glasses" protagonists. The name of their battle is "Tanjun Takes Two". I'm trying to aim for anime-like titles for the anime bosses, okay?

I want to design the boss to make all three characters effective.

  • Phase 1: Tanjun will play try and Rock-Paper-Scissors against Rico, before giving up and proceding to make three hops towards the battlefield.
    • Tanjun's main form of attacking is by hopping forward at varying arcs uncontrollably. Combined with his smaller hitbox, this makes hitting him rather cumbersome to try.


Additional Phase Ideas


  • Glumstone the Giant: He pukes you out and then he transforms back into a mineshaft. His gnomes also roll up into shiny gems.

New Weapons

Anything in Blue really only works for my fangame due to the nature.


Warning, there's spoilers.

  • Ms. Chalice: "That dastardly Saltbaker! He had us hoodwinked the whole time!"
  • ...
  • Cuphead: "But with the bakery destroyed, you're never gonna get that Wondertart, Ms. Chalice!"
  • ...
  • Ms. Chalice in The Cuphead Show: Proceeds to teach Cuphead and Mugman how to get stuff for free, and ditches them when the police come to arrest them. Is also living.
  • Ms. Chalice is the true final boss all along. Don't get the DLC, you can't beat her since she'll hoodwink you.

Note that this isn't the only instance something like this happens because cross-media, you've got the bad ending of Cuphead that seems a lot like the good ending one you read Cartoon Chronicles & Calamities and to a minor scale Saltbaker stating that the secret ingredient for his recipes is, um, "salt" rather than "heart and soul". That can't be tasty.