User:Naomi Walker

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Me in Cuphead style!

Hello! My name’s Naomi Richelle Walker. I’m an artist and a gamer. I like to draw stuff that are funny, heart warming and sad. Welcome to my Cuphead Wikia profile! 💖☕️

Introduce my OCs!

I drew some of my OCs that look great for my artwork! Here’s some of them!


Cocoa Warmth: Cocoa Warmth is a sweet and short-tempered girl who lives in Inkwell Isle. She has light brown skin, a long-sleeved shirt, pink skirt, red shoes and whipped cream hair with a peppermint stick. She always have a crush on Mugman, Cuphead’s brother. She likes to go on adventures with Cuphead and Mugman many times because she is a very talented young lady. She also likes drawing pictures.


The Cosmotoids: The Cosmotoids are three alien sisters of Inkwell Isle who are the group boss in Cuphead like the Root Pack. Solla is a leader who is pink, has beautiful, long blonde hair and two blue eyes. She is very smart and bossy for her rights. Loona is a chubby big sister who is blue, has bluish-black beehive hair and one magenta eye. Her personality is that she likes to eat and flirt with cute boys. Estra is a younger sister who is green, has red hair with pigtails and three yellow eyes. Her personality is that she was very tough and hates losing. they appeared in the level, Space Shuffle inn Inkwell Isle Three. In the intro, they were floating down with their UFO and then Solla points at Cuphead or Mugman. Loona took her first turn as she blows a kiss to them in a first phase. She uses her laser gun to shoot one laser for four times. She also spins around rapidly to shoot out stars. The pink stars can be parried. She pulls out a big ball that shaped like a moon and in few seconds, she throws it like a bowling ball. After taking damage, she took turns with Estra. In a second phas, Estra summons a ball of electricity and throw it to Cuphead and Mugman as the ball shows four zaps of lightning sticking out. She pulls out her laser gun to triply shoot lasers for four times. She pulls out a little cosmic dust and blows it out and make a shape of swirls, The pink swirly dust can be parried. After taking damage, she took turns with Solla. She turns her tongue into a mouth with lipstick on her tongue and spits out cosmic orbs. The pink cosmic orbs can be parried. After taking damage, she gets so angry and calls out her sisters as she hops on her UFO. In Simple mode, she can just get angry. In the final phase, meteors falling from the sky as the pink ones might get parried. The Cosmotoids‘ UFO used a giant robotic hand from the magenta bottom of it for a grab attack. The UFO can shoot a big laser for a middle aim. For a knockout, Solla gets woozy while Loona starts crying and Estra angrily bangs her fists.


Manny Monarch: Manny Monarch is a British-accented Monarch butterfly boss in Cuphead. He has black fur with light brown markings his face and belly, has two buttons on his chest, six arms, grey eyelids, brown shoes and a nose that is a proboscis that butterflies usually have. His personality is that he is the most handsome and fabulous butterfly in Inkwell Isle. He knows how to play a guitar. He was Cagney Carnation‘s childhood friend since he was a caterpillar. He appeared in the level, Migration Madness on Inkwell Isle One. In the intro, he comes out of his cocoon and strikes a fabulous pose to Cuphead and Mugman. In the first phase, some little butterflies fly towards Cuphead and Mugman. The pink butterflies with bows can’t be parried. He shoots silkballs out of his proboscis three times. He uses his wings to release floating pollen. After taking damage, he pulls out his guitar. In the second phase, he is playing his guitar. It shoots out musical notes with butterfly wings. The pink notes can be parried. He used his other arms to pull out the small butterfly eggs and throws at Cuphead and Mugman. After taking damage, he felt pain and his eyes turned red and his teeth turned sharp. In Simple Mode, he just felt pain. In the final phase, he shoots out husband eyeballs that grows butterfly wings, then the eyeballs shoot blue lasers. He pukes out some big silk out of his mouth. His dark spots on his wings spawns small, flying cocoons. The pink cocoons can be parried. For a knockout, he was dramatically playing dead.


Chef Poisson: Chef Poisson is a fish chef boss in Cuphead. He is a green fish that wears a chef hat and shirt. He talks in a French accent. He has a mustache. He appeared in the level, Restaurant Rush on Inkwell Isle Two. In the intro, he showing the ”That’s a spicy meatball” gesture and snickers in a sneaky way. In the first phase, he pulls out the giant fork. He calls out the waiter fish. The pink fish can be parried. He used the giant fork to shoot out peas like a shotgun. He can use the squeezer to squirt spicy sauces. After taking damage, he jumps on the right table. In the second phase, he used the frying pan to flip dead fried fish. Pink shrimps can be parried. He can throw spicy peppers. He pulls out the mist of salt and blows it off. After taking damage, he calls out a giant whale. In the final phase, he was in the whale’s open mouth. The whale can spew water out of his blowhole and rains them down. Pink raindrops can be parried. He pulls out kitchen utensils and throws them at Cuphead and Mugman. For a knockout, he starts dehydrating while the whale felt dizzy.