User blog comment:PupCatDog/Create your own cuphead boss!/@comment-25612966-20180113100146

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Starch-Lord in Starch Wars!

Intro: Starch-Lord sees the players, then flies upwards.

Phase One: Spudow

"I put the OW in SPUDOW."

Difficulty: Easy

HP: 300/350/400

Spudow pops up at the right of the screen. His only attack is to throw three potato mines in an arc into three random places. In Simple mode, he throws two mines; in Expert he throws four. The main twist is that he will switch sides, meaning he can go to the left, then go back to the right, then throw. He can also go to the left, then throw, then go back to the right. You get it, it's completely random. The potato mines explode once he switches sides, and once it explodes it makes an explosion that goes from that point to the top of the screen. The explosion lasts for 1 second. The player loses HP when they touch the explosion. The mines can also be disarmed by parrying. Once Spudow is defeated, he does the same thing Moe Tato did. In Expert mode, however, he explodes, and potato chunks will be flying across the screen. The players cannot touch them or else they will lose HP.

Phase Two: Onion Rings

"I'm so powerful I make you cry."

Difficulty: Normal

HP: 200/250/300

The main attack of Onion Rings is simple -- it's basically Chips Bettigan. However, unlike Chips, the main attacking point is the middle. Also, there are rings instead of poker chips, so they are larger. Once defeated, he turns into onion rings, which can heal you.

Phase Three: Beta-Carrotina

"Looks like I found the ROOT of the problem."

Difficulty: Normal

HP: 150/200/250

Beta-Carrotina has two main attacks, just like Psycarrot. Her first attack is Ensign uproot, which makes a tractor hologram from either end of the screen, and it will go horizontally against the player. In Expert mode, it goes faster. The second is Luitenant Carrotron, which is basically Psycarrot's third eye attack. However, it goes faster, and has a target indicating where it will shoot. In Simple mode, it shoots fewer attacks, and in Expert, it shoots more. Her defeat animation is the same as the one in Plants vs Zombies Heroes, except she goes down slowly.

Phase Four: Starch Lord

"I'm great at ROOTING for the Plants."

Difficulty: Normal

HP: 300/350

It's time for the final phase. Starch-Lord appears from the top of the screen, laughing. He has three main attacks: he will shoot stars at the player (in Expert it's faster), or do either Spudow's Tater Toss or Beta-Carrotina's Luitenant Carrotron. The order is completely random, and in Expert mode, he does multiple attacks at once. Once he's feated, his stars spin around him and he will daze.

Overall difficulty: Normal