User blog comment:PupCatDog/Create your own cuphead boss!/@comment-26406612-20181021152555

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drum boy in "drummin' n' strumin'"

apearence: he is a drum with arms and legs, and his puples are skulls.

phase 1: he launches music notes through out the entire battle and half notes can be pairied. he can also launch mini drums.

phase 1 death quote:"BEAT IT!"

phase 2: he drums his head to shoot out f clefs and pairiable g clefs.

phase 2 death quote:"MUSIC RULES!"

phase 3: he spits out whole notes, while smaller drums leap toward you.

phase 3 death quote:"I BRING DOMINATION"

final phase: phases 3 and 2 combiend

final phase death quote:"BOOM BOOM MUSHBOOM"

KO: he will have a black eye and he will wave a white flag with one hand and the other will have a contract.

the boss is fought in inkwell isle bonus

aerial plane: no