User blog comment:PupCatDog/Create your own cuphead boss!/@comment-27855411-20171114131929

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The Cosmotoids: The alien sister group. Solla is a pink-skinned alien with long, beautiful blonde hair. She has two baby blue eyes. Loona is a chubby blue-skinned alien with a black beehive hair. She has one fuschia eye. Estra is a short green-skinned alien with red hair and pigtails sticking up. She has three yellow eyes. They wore same outfit in different color with a black belt and a yellow star on it. Solla wore pink, Loona wore blue and Estra wore green. They are another group like the Root Pack. They are the plane boss level.

How They Sold Their Souls: The Cosmotoids are from Planet Cosmotopia and they wanted to be the best invaders in Inkwell Isle. They tried to suck up cows from their UFO. Later on, the Devil showed up that he wants them to visit to be the world's best invaders on the entire life. They signed their soul contracts for the Devil as they sold their souls to become better. As they lost a bet, they pulled out their laser guns fearfully and zapped right in the Devil's face into ashes. They hopped on the UFO and escaped.

Arena: "Space Shuffle". A planet which has stars in space in the background, small hills and a full moon.

Intro: The Cosmotoids floats down with their UFO, the transparent capsule opens. Solla starts to point at Cuphead and Mugman and summoning Loona. Loona starts to blow a kiss on them.

Phase 1: Loona has three attacks. Loona summons a moon as a bowling ball and starts to throw it to Cuphead and Mugman. Loona spins around and shoots stars at them. Pink stars can be parried. Loona pulls out her laser gun and shoots four times. After defeating her, she switched places to Estra.

Death Line: "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, my eye is shining that what you are!"

Phase 2: Estra has three attacks. Estra summons an electrical ball and throws it as the ball floats with four lines of lightning rotating. Loona pulls out a space dust and then blows on it to make them float and blind Cuphead and Mugman.  Pink dust can be parried. Estra pulls out her laser gun and doubly shoots them four times. After defeating her, she switched places to Solla.

Death Line: "How pathetic, you're just like an illegal alien."

Phase 3: Solla has three attacks. Solla uses her psychic ring beams out of her antennae. Solla uses her mouth tongue to spit out tiny space orbs. Pink orbs can be parried. Solla pulls out her laser gun to charge up with big blasts four times. After defeating her, she gets angry and summons her sisters. Then, she hops on to their UFO as they turn around to face Cuphead and Mugman. In Simple Mode, she is still angry.

Death Line: "Keep it in pace, or I'll take you down to deep space!:

Final Phase: The meteors in the background falls out of the sky and the pink ones can be parried. The Cosmotoids have two attacks. The UFO's pink bottom opens and shows a big laser gun and then zaps a big laser beam. The UFO's sides opens and shows big robotic hands with gloves and grabs to the left. After defeating them, their UFO got broke down while Solla is woozy, Loona is crying and Estra is angry as she bangs her fists.

Death Line: "We girls know that we are your UF-foe!"