User blog comment:PupCatDog/Create your own cuphead boss!/@comment-31861013-20171118191402

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octo ro-clockto in party of a 3 life .

(plz dont tell me off for grammar in not good at spelling.)

octo is a red octopuss with a wierd liking for remixes he has 6 normal tentakcles ans 2 robo tentacles he also has a gold chain showing s cluck at the middle.

then the wierd liking became a crazy liking when he lost to the devil. now he still silly about doing that gamble. (idk about where to place about the soul contract)

the setting is a ancient ruins with tones of other marine aniamals having a ball.

intro: he's just making music until he see's cuphead and mugman he but the party into maximum overdrive then the party starts.

phase one. death quote: i see a party pooper came in now SCRAM!!!.

his primary attack is the music notes they home in for a while untl they goo the way they are facing some can be pink so they can parryed.

once in a while he will but the set in auto then swing his 8 tenticals in a wheele like way the robot tentecles will sometimes flash pink so you8 know what you can do.

after a while he will swap out the track with a diffrent track but odly sounding like i am octavio .

phase 2. death quote: time i shift this party into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!!!!!.

his attakcs are the same but slighy faster but this time he has a trick up[ his "sleve's"

he will actvate somekind of trap but the thap is the disco ball once he clicked it he will get a light and shine it because of the mirrors arouns the place the light gets reflected .

in the easy mode he will get clobbered by the robot tentacles showing that they malfunctioned and in the medium mode he will laught crazy because the set goes down with him.

phase 3. death quote: i know you were not avle to stand the beaty beats!.

he will rise from where he went down with new clothing and a new set.

his attacksfrom the last 2 phaces they  are the same but phase 1 attacks now damge cuphead and mugman by 2.

hit new batch of attacks are a megaphone with 20M boomboxes, a oil can and some freezers.

he will scream into the megaphones and then the 20M boomboxes make to 30% louder making cuphead and mugman dizzy for 5 seconds. (3 on expert)

he will break the oil can making the player's sight harder to see what he doing this goes on for 4 seconds (8 in expert) he will not be able to use the megaphone to ston you while this is happening.

the freezers will get the sea cold makeing the battlefield slippery while he splates glue is some spots .

when defeated he will get quite annoyed over it and try to get a killing blow at cuphead man mugman but the set eject's before he can get his winning blow.

while the level sounds hard the fish make it harder. they like the music so if cuphead and mugman keeps him distracted for 30 seconds while attacking (because he get istracted by then attacking him.) the fish will get really mad then home into cuphead and mugman and kill then. there have a diffrent deqth quote than the DJ: this is why we hate distractions!.

i hope you like it


music: phase one. some track from this game called anarcute. next phase: whatever but remixed