User blog comment:PupCatDog/Create your own cuphead boss!/@comment-33475101-20171205053725

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Clever Kelp -in- Intelligent insanity


Move sets:Mind ray,Dimness,brain minions,homing drones,Ultra Ray, Tech eyes.Parry objects:Pink projectiles,Pink brain minions (others green).

Appearance:Clever kelp is a bionic kelp with high tech technology and has a massive brain that fires mind rays.Wires hanging from kelp arms.

Phase 1:At this point, Clever kelp shoots brain minions,some parryable,And launches blasts of spinning mind rays.Quote: "When it comes to you as whom,consider me as doom!"-Clever Kelp upon player's death

Phase 2:Kelp will now start making the screen dimmer.He will rapidly shoot many homing drones that float around the player shooting dodgeable bullets for up to 3 seconds at a time.after 3 secs,the drones will dissapear.He will also shoot an Ultra ray,(similar to Super art I)That spills from his mouth.He will finally use tech eyes,which are his bionic eyes that shoot projectiles at the player.Quote," Its process of elimination,now go through disintegration!"-Clever Kelp upon player's death in phase 2.