User blog comment:PupCatDog/Create your own cuphead boss!/@comment-33937846-20171212181229

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The Cookie King in Cookie Calamity! The Cookie King is a boss in inkwell isle 4. Stage: A shop and the player is fighting on a table. Desc: He is like Chips bettigan, but his body is cookies and has a cream top-hat and a monocle. Why he sold his soul: He wanted to become ruler of the shop, but the Devil tricked him and only made him evil. Battle intro: The Cookie king will burst out of an oven and laugh. Phase 1: in phase 1 The Cookie King only has 3 attacks: 1. same as chips bettigans. 2. Sends of 3 cookies from his body (all in a group) and sends of the rest of the cookies quickly. 3. Remember the rolling candys in BVBB's final stage? well, The cookie King will send of his cookies rolling one by one. 3 quaters into the stage, the Cookie king's top-hat will become a cannon, shooting cream at you. Death screen message: "I am so creamy, why did you think you could beat me?" Phase 2: The Cookie King will drop down into a hole, commencing phase 2. In phase 2, you fight 4 mini-bosses that can be in any order. 1. Sir Ovenloc will jump around the stage with his oven door open, with a flaming heart inside, that spits fireballs. Intro: Sir Ovenloc is put down into the battlefeild by the King Chainsaw ( The Devil's other helper). Death screen message: "Looks like I put you in the hot seat." Death anim: Overheats and explodes. In the second Mini-boss, Little cream balls will fall from the ceiling. 2. Whipped Queen will stay put, and try to smash and slap you with a cream hand, and fire a lazer of whipped cream from her mouth. Death screen message: "You are in a dream, and you will never wake up because of my whipped cream!" Intro anim: Put down by the King Chainsaw and laughs. Death anim: Smashed by The king Chainsaw's fist and thrown into a bin. 

Death screen pics.( except the Chocolate Chipsy Troop.

In the third mini-boss, cream balls will still fall from the ceiling, and a cookie will occasionally roll to one side to the other. 3. Deadly dough will stay put, but occasionally moves to the other side of the screen. He will also spit spinning dough balls at you. Intro anim: Poured down from a bag of dough. Death screen message: "HARHARHARHARHARHAR!" Death anim: Melts. 4. The chocolate Chipsy Troop will stay put, and there will be two chocolate chips containers will be on either side. one will fire big chocolate chip balls and one will fire a barrage of chocolate chips from the top of his container. They also share HP. Intro anim: Put down by the King Chainsaw. Death screen message: "The chocolate group is victorious once again!" Death anim: Explodes. Phase 3: The Cookie King will return and get angry. It is pretty much a repeat of phase 1, but he is faster, cream balls will fall from the ceiling, and two cream cannons are at the top corners. Death anim: Same as Chips bettigans. Death screen message: "You think YOU'RE so tough? well go sleep that thought off because you look rough!". like it?