User blog comment:PupCatDog/Create your own cuphead boss!/@comment-33937846-20171220211755

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Bloxy the Bloxer in Christmas Catastrophe!(Note: this boss is only like this in the christmas season. Other times he will be un-christmasified and the stage is called Woodlands Rumble!) Bloxy the Bloxer is a big christmas fan, and will DESTROY anybody who hates it! But, not now, since Bloxy sold his soul, he doe sthe exact opposite! Stage: A woodlands boxing arena, christmasified...? Intro anim: A "Come at me" stance.


 Phase 1: Bloxy will jump around the stage, having 4 attacks being: 1. Bloxy will stop at one side of the screen, and fire flaming wreaths from his mittens. some are parriable. 2.  Bloxy will jump high off-screen and land in the middle, fist-first, making a shockwave of dirt that will hurt you. 3. Goopy's second-phase attack. 4. Bloxy's hands will clap together, making stars that bounce off walls and last 5 seconds. There can be 3 at a time. after taking 1355/1490/1575 damage, he will get cut, loose his legs, become a circle, get stuck in a wreath and commence phase 2. Death screen message: You get stomped and smashed, and then get bashed! Phase 2: Bloxy will still have attacks 1, 3 and 4, and a new attack where he rolls from one side of the screen to the other. Death screen message: I'm rolling and your falling! After taking 1490/1575/1625 damage, he will explode and lose his arms, become a tri-angle, re-gain his legs and commence phase 3. Phase 3: bloxy will run around, from one side of the screen to the other, and spit homing baul-bauls that last for 6 seconds. After taking 1625/1985/2010 damage, he will get squashed by a tombstone, but on simple, the boss just ends. Death screen message: Even without my fists, you will get cracked from this! Phase 4: Bloxy will just be like Goopy in his 3rd phase, buuut there's a twist. After the tombstone takes 500/700 damage, a ghost will come out of the tomstone, wich is actually Bloxy! Now you have two things to worry about! You now need to damage him instead of the tombstone. Bloxy will float from left to right throwing fists at you.  After taking 2010/2055 damage, The grave will crack and Bloxy's ghost will be like Sallys death anim. Death screen message: Two much for you handle?