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"Well, Cuphead gambled with the Devil....
Thought he'd win a hefty purse...
Mugman came along to help him....
But things, they just got worse!"

Credits song

The Devil offering Cuphead and Mugman to join him.

Cuphead has at least two endings, depending on whether Cuphead and Mugman agree to hand over the soul contracts to The Devil or not in the final level, One Hell of a Time.

Bad ending

"You're mine now! And we're gonna have a hell of a time down here...!!"
The Devil

Cuphead and Mugman, after being turned into The Devil's lackeys.

File:Ms. Chalice in the Bad Ending.png

If Yes is chosen, The Devil proclaims that the brothers now belong to him and that they're going to have "a hell of a time" in Inkwell Hell. The scene then switches to Cuphead and Mugman being transformed into more demonic beings with evil grins on their faces while The Devil smiles in triumph. Once the scene ends, the credits will roll, but the music will instead play a piano remix of the Inkwell Hell theme. "Don't Deal With the Devil" can be heard playing in reverse on the title screen.

The debtors are not seen in this ending, but it is implied that they will be severely punished by The Devil for not giving their souls on time.

If Ms.Chalice is equiped, Ms.Chalice will appear in that ending along with Cuphead, Mugman and the Devil.

Good ending

"Welching on me just like all the others, eh...
I'll teach you for backing out of a deal -- have at you!!"

The Devil

Cuphead and Mugman telling the good news to Elder Kettle and the other former debtors.

If No is chosen, The Devil accuses the brothers of leeching off of him just like the other debtors did, and the boss fight begins.

With the devil defeated, Cuphead and Mugman accept his surrender and return home after destroying all his contracts, liberating the debtors. The residents throw a celebration for Cuphead and Mugman in gratitude, alongside Elder Kettle, who is proud of the two.

The book telling the story of Cuphead will then physically close, thus ending the game and rolling the credits. Shortly before the credits end, an unknown speaker can be heard saying "That's all there is...There isn't any more...Or is there?" and then laughing in a sinister manner, hinting a sequel.

The debtors that appear are

Hilda Berg(Next to Grim Matchstick and Elder Kettle)

Grim Matchstick(Next to Hilda Berg and Blind Specter)

Elder Kettle(Next to Hilda Berg and Djimmi The Great)

Blind Specter(Next to Grim Matchstick and Cuphead)

Djimmi The Great(Next to Elder Kettle and Captain Brineybeard)

Captain Brineybeard(Next to Djimmi The Great and Ribby)

Werner Werman(Next to Beppi The Clown and Baroness Von Bon Bon)

Beppi The Clown(Next to Werner Werman,Baroness Von Bon Bon,Cagney Carnation and Rumor Honeybottoms)

Baroness Von Bon Bon(Next to Beppi The Clown,Werner Werman,Sally's husband and Mugman)

Cala Maria(Next to Sally Stageplay and her husband)


  • The only debtors who did not appear in the good ending are The Root Pack, Goopy Le Grande, Wally Warbles, and Dr. Kahl's Robot. These missing debtors could have been simply absent for various reasons or blocked by each other.
    • Before Jake Clarke confirmed their survival, Wally Warbles and Goopy Le Grande were presumed dead, therefore being physically unable to arrive.
    • Dr. Kahl's robot may have been too damaged to travel further.
    • The Root Pack were probably stuck to their roots.
  • The backward-played title screen music is a reference to the panic that there were Satanic messages in popular rock songs that could be heard if the record was played backwards.
  • The music played during the credits in the good ending is a slower rendition of the music heard in Shootin N' Lootin with added lyrics by King Dice.
  • Croaks is not seen in the good ending but Ribby is. It is assumed that Croaks could be off screen.
  • None of the minions that Cuphead fought while fighting the debtors are seen in the good ending. It is possible that either since the Devil only wanted the debtor's souls and did not care about the minion's souls, the minions were at the debtor's homes while the debtors were gone as they were celebrating Cuphead's heroic actions, or the minions have been completely killed by Cuphead and Mugman and the debtors did not care about their deaths as they saw them as nothing but tools.
  • The words after the credits "That's all there is... There isn't any more". are a reference to the Madeline TV series from Disney. It also doubles as a reference to vaudeville performer/actress Ethel Barrymore, who used the sentence as a catchphrase to end each of her acts.
  • It is still unknown how Grim Matchstick became a dragon again after becoming a hydra in his third phase,or how Cala Maria regained her body after her third phase,or how Ribby and Croaks became frogs again after becoming a slot machine in their third phase
  • For Hilda Berg ,there's at least a explanation,as Hilda Berg transformed into a zeppelin again after transforming in Taurus,Gemini and Sagittarius
  • For Beppi The Clown,there's also a explanation,as in his second phase he became a ballon,and his third phase,he became a clown again
  • For some reason, Ms.Chalice doesn’t appear in the good ending, even if one of the players plays as her. She however appears in the bad ending.