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1. I'm not an admin on the Cuphead wiki Discord server, that one was actually started without my word (the discord server was formerly on r/cuphead) so I can't change the settings myself. I believe Skate Goats is the one who owns it, so you'd have better luck asking them to do it (but I can ask him myself later if you'd like)

2. I'm terribly sorry, but could you be a little more specific with the Level 1, L2 and L3 stuff? I'd like to try your suggestions for improving the wiki, but it's been a while since I've last done admin work on Wikia due to real life things. If you can provide more information then yes I can try it, and if you think the Nav could be bothersome for future viewers, then you have my permission to edit it yourself as long as it doesn't mess the wiki up. 

And thanks for the link! I'll be sure to check it out and consider.