Cuphead: Cartoon Chronicles & Calamities

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Cuphead: Cartoon Chronicles & Calamities (also known as Cuphead Volume Two: Cartoon Chronicles & Calamities or Cuphead Volume 2: Cartoon Chronicles & Calamities, simply Cuphead Volume Two or Cuphead Volume 2) is a graphic novel by Zack Keller and Shawn Dickinson. It was published on September 21, 2021.

Plot synopsis



Join Cuphead, Mugman, and now Ms. Chalice for another round of nonstop fun and adventure! The trio can't seem to catch a break as they find themselves in a variety of peculiar situations and side quests in the cartoon magical wonderworld of the Inkwell Isles! These all-new original tales are authentically drawn to match the glorious, award-winning vintage animation style of the hit video game Cuphead!

Our plucky heroes are back in this second volume of spectacular stories wonderfully realized by the returning team of writer Zack Keller and artist Shawn Dickson!


Cuphead and Mugman are following music that leads down a well, until a big ghost whack them from behind and makes them fall into the well itself. That's when they find a bunch of Spectre Syndicate dancing to music. The Spectre Syndicates then notice them and start to chase the brothers. Eventually Cuphead and Mugman lose them and find a door, in which they think is an exit. Unfortunately, they find Blind Specter behind there and slam it shut, before finding another door with the Conductor and Head of the Train behind. Cuphead then finds a door, with the word "VOL 2" on it and opens it, unleashing a wave of fire, several demons, and the title for the comic.

Mugman in "Building Blast-Off!"

Mugman is strolling down the street while playing with his yo-yo. However, he then comes across a sobbing Werner, who tells him that war no longer exists, and that all of his war items are completely useless. Mugman hatches an idea and leads Werner over to a dam, and explains that his weapons can be repurposed for reconstruction. Werner does exactly that and thus helps everyone else at the dam, and successfully rebuilds it all. When the boss mentions that "the battle is over," this initiates Werner to continue the "battle" by using his explosives to destroy the dam all over again as he enjoys the destruction, much to the others dismay.

Cuphead & Mugman in "Mountain Madness!"

Cuphead and Mugman are going fishing in the mountains, and when they cast out their reel to catch fish, Glumstone's feet interfere, thus scaring all the fish away. Cuphead and Glumstone then get into a fight of who gets to use the lake, until Mugman gets the idea in the form of a competition, of who makes a bigger splash gets to keep the lake for a day. While Cuphead's splash was tiny, Glumstone's was colossal, to the point of splashing all the water out from the pond. He then realizes his mistake as Cuphead and Mugman capture all the helpless fish. Cuphead and Mugman walk back as Glumstone then sprains his foot.

Elder Kettle in "Jingle Jest!"

Elder Kettle is happily whistling while out for a night in the town, until Ludwig and Wolfgang approach him and question who is superior. This leads to the two getting into a fight, thus drawing a crowd in as the two play. This eventually leads to an explosion, as Ludwig askes Elder Kettle of who won. Elder Kettle is revealed to have barely heard the music at all as the two rivals faint.

Cuphead & Mugman in "Siren Smackdown!"

Cuphead and Mugman head over to the supermarket on a snowy day to get Elder Kettle some ketchup. (labeled as "catsup") However, as Cuphead finds the ketchup, a tune suddenly scrambles his brain into getting the maple syrup instead, much to Mugman's confusion. He then sails the seas to Cala Maria's house, who was the singer that also manipulated others into getting her several other items for a fully on breakfast all to herself. She then manipulates the others into doing her biddings. That's when Mugman steps in, question her why she is outside when it is snowy, and recommends her to at least put on some earmuffs. That's when Cala says to put on hermit crab shells on the hypnotised workers for earwear, thus giving Mugman idea, to hand over hermit crab shells to the other manipulated characters, which then pinch them all over , causing them great pain as they try to get the crabs off while running about and screaming in agony , this causes mayhem, including setting Cala's house on fire. Which causes her to shriek and moan in horror as she watches on in fury . Meanwhile, Elder Kettle is still waiting for the boys to return with his ketchup so that he can eat his burger.

Cuphead, Mugman, & Ms. Chalice in "Natural Knockout!"

On a camping trip in the mountains, Mugman is revealed to have brought a heavy amount of supplies for the three to thrive in. However, Cuphead decides to rough it, and thus, kick Mugman's backpack off the cliff they're climbing. An hour later, a storm hits the trio as lightning strikes down and knock them off the mountain. After being knocked off, Ms. Chalice smells food and thinks that another camper is having a cookout, as the three then follow that smell. That's when they realize that Mugman's supplies has landed next to a group of sentient trees that are using their food. Cuphead then attempts to grab a bite, before one of the trees push him back. When the trio attempt to fight back, the trees resort to launching them back home.

Evil Cuphead & Vile Mugman in "Workday Wind-Up!"

Following the brothers losing their souls to the Devil, the Devil has them now work in the underworld for him. The Devil first off tries to let them work in his Brimstone Brewery cellar, but the brothers smash the cellar to pieces. Next, he redirects their jobs to Old Scratch, Match-N Puff Cigar cellar, but they end up burning down that cellar too. Finally, he leads them to the Purgatorial Playing Cards factory, however Mugman opens a hatch to make the monster beneath there eat all the playing cards. Having enough, the Devil fires them both and tells them to scram as Cuphead knocks down a barrel of souls, much to his frustration.

Making Chef Saltbaker's Famous "Salted Bread Twists" can become a Baker's Tangled Nightmare!

Chef Saltbaker demonstrates how to make a pretzel by using Mugman. This features the latter crossing both his arms and twisting them around his legs to give out a pretzel shaped look. Saltbaker then adds the final touch and his secret ingredient, salt.

Elder Kettle in "Phantom Problems!"

Elder Kettle starts his morning by reading the newspaper, realizing that his vision is blurry, he goes to the train station to hop onto the Pharmacy Express. When he arrives, due to his lack of sight, he instead hops onto the Phantom Express. During the train ride and when hopping off the train, he is completely oblivious on what's going on. He then arrives at the Spectral Spectacler to get a pair of glasses. When he tries them on however, he finally realizes his error in the first place, and dies from fear when coming face to face with an eyeball doctor. He then attempts to escape the building, only to be greeted by the conductor, who doesn't allow him to die as he forgot to pay for a ticket, thus kicking his soul back into his body. As the conductor escorts him out and back to the train, Elder Kettle thanks the doctor for his valiant service.

Cuphead in "Tempest Tantrum!"

Cuphead is in the skies, riding his airplane, before he decides to crash into several clouds for fun. One of the clouds he crashes into so happens to also awake Hilda Berg, while she's napping, and she vows revenge against the cup. That night, at the cottage, Cuphead, Mugman, and Elder Kettle go to bed, before Hilda flies over their house. She then transforms in the Aquarius constellation and pours water onto the cottage, waking Mugman up. Then she then transforms into Sagittarius constellation and shoots the clouds to make lightning strike, which then wakes up Elder Kettle. Finally, she transform into the Leo constellation and roars at the house, causing Mugman and Elder Kettle to whimper for their lives. Hilda then leaves satisfied. The next morning, both Elder Kettle and Mugman are tired, being unable to catch any sleep. Cuphead, on the other hand, slept through Hilda's torment and prepares to take the skies one more as the other two pass out in the living room.

The Whole Gang in "Holiday Haymaker!"

Cuphead, and Co. are stuck inside the cottage, during their Christmas, until the fire in the fireplace dies out. From here, Cuphead then attempts go out to find more firewood. However, due to the massive amount of snow piling up, Cuphead can't go out to collect the wood needed for the fire as he goes back into the cottage as a snowman. This makes Grim Matchstick laugh as fire is produced from his breath. This gives Cuphead an idea to cracks some jokes, so that the gang can stay warm. On the flipside, Mugman notices that the rocking chair, he's sitting on is starting to catch a flame, (in which he could have just thrown that into the fireplace) and decides to get everyone a hot chocolate for the others. That's when he accidentally slips on the water from the melted snow, causing Grim to crack up from his mistake, which causes the cottage to be destroyed as everyone shelters around Grim for warmth.

Cuphead & Mugman in "Chef Chaos!"

Mugman is viewing a poster for Chef Saltbaker, and is interested in taking the job needed for him. When he and Cuphead arrive at Saltbaker's Bakery, the chef is seen sprinkling his pastries with salt, and orders Cuphead and Mugman to guard them afterwards, while he goes out to pick up his dry-cleanings. That's when Cuphead notices that Mugman has already started digging into all of the pastries and orders him to stop as Chef Saltbaker could be back any minute. When Saltbaker arrives back, he sees the brothers standing nervously behind handmade cardboard cutouts of the pastries, before Mugman admits that he ate some of his pastries. Chef Saltbaker is pleased with it and revealed that he hired the boys as his secret test tasters, before Cuphead demands his pay. Chef Saltbaker reveals that the pastries were their pay, (much to Cuphead's frustration since he didn't get a single bite) and walks the two out.

Elder Kettle's "Red Hot Tips!" #2

Elder Kettle answers the question on how he keeps his mustache nice and tidy. He reveals to trim his mustache with the edge of an axe, then brush it with a broom, and then polishes it with glue. Seen in the background of the last strip, the glue is revealed to have spilled everywhere, and thus sticking to Cuphead and Mugman's shoes.

Ms. Chalice & Mugman in "The Maltose Fracas!"

Ms. Chalice and Mugman are having a day in the park, before Mugman notes Chalice on this morning's headlines. When Ms. Chalice flies the kite, the headlines are revealed that a royal honeycomb was stolen from Baroness Von Bon Bon and that the heroes who return it and/or capture the thief will get a lifetime supply of candy. Hearing about this, Ms. Chalice races to Sugarland to get that supply of candy. When arrived, they meet Baroness who is seen nervous eating and decide to investigate her castle. Mugman then grabs out his magnifying glass and starts searching the castle, first finding a book, before further investigating. They first bust into Sargent Gumbo Gumbull's room and interrogate him, in which the latter stated he had nothing to do with the comb and was planning on taking over other corporates. (before stating on having a picnic) They next interrogate Kernel Von Pop, stating they saw his footsteps, despite the latter's defense that he doesn't even have feet. Finally, they then interrogate Sir Waffington III about the stolen honey comb and how they found the book from earlier. Waffington stated that she came from a line of maple syrup men, before Mugman finds the honey comb from a shelf, leaving her speechless. However, Ms. Chalice finds candy wrappers underneath Mugman's shoes, and then learns who is the true culprit behind the thievery. That's when Mugman, Ms. Chalice, and the three other subjects bust into Baroness' throne room, and confront her about how they found out that they found candy wrappers, from the same candy she was nervously eating before, and that her remark on how she never goes into her library was just a ruse to cover everything up. She then further explains that she made the gumball trail and planted the book on purpose. Baroness admits and reveals that she set up the crime scene, all just because people ate normal bananas rather than her Banana Flavored Chew Cubes. From here Baroness literally fires all of her subjects, along with Mugman and Ms. Chalice, using her candy cane shotgun.






  • Cuphead and Mugman's bad ending appearances from the game are nicknamed as "Evil Cuphead" and "Vile Mugman" respectively.